Create and Maintain Brand’s Day to Day Social Network Content & Engagement Along with Current Events.
Role | Art Direction, Content Creation (Graphic Design, Video Production)
Holiday 2022 Twitter posts for holiday trending topics, themed engagement, merchandise teasers and promotions.
We caught on the trending “last minute halloween costume” meme across social, created our own version for intel’s bunny suit.
Intel was dropping something holiday themed — a teaser.
Final reveal of intel’s holiday merch with technical specs.
Created cohesive brand persona across social. Engaged with audience in trending topics, sounds as well as highlighting Intel’s iconic milestones.
The trending ski baby meme, dancing to techo DJ at a ski resort, of course our bunny have to show up too.
TikTok community engagement replying to comments with new pieces of content.
TikTok community engagement replying to comments with new pieces of content.
The celebration of Intel’s first chip ever — Happy Birthday chip 4004.