role | entire project (brand strategy, product/graphic design, art direction)

tools | photoshop, illustrator, procreate


A smart mask system and brand strategy created in conjunction with my fashion product design class.

ECFLO combines smart technology, engineering and design to problem solve world’s health concerns in 3 main areas of needs - environment, occupation and lifestyle.

Using high functional air flow generator and smart chip analysis, ECFLO smart masks are able to provide in app data on filter performance, controllable air flow and health diagnoses.


10-20% of lung cancer cases are detected among non smokers - air quality in living environments and working conditions causes 2.9 million deaths per year. 164 million disabilities caused by environmental risks in Asia Pacific.


Create a brand identity system for ECFLO to be introduced to the market and its target consumers.


Develop different phases by identifying consumers, positioning brand persona, designing brand aesthetic and building a brand experience.

PHASE 1 — identifying & positioning

In this phase:

Understand brand’s purpose, mission and motivation.

Identify consumer persona, lifestyle and needs..

Research key competitors and player in the market.



Research and analysis on the lifestyles these 3 types of consumers have, where, when, what and why do they do what they do, in order to understand their mindset, habits and needs.

Who needs us?

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PHASE 2 — branding & aesthetic

In this phase:

Explore and visualize brand drivers and brand persona.

Finalize brand name and aesthetic design, product mockups.

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— color palette

PHASE 3 — brand experience & marketing

In this phase:

4-step brand experience: Awareness. Convincing, Committing and Building Long-Term Relationship

Awareness - where / when / what can get our consumers’ attention.

Physical & emotional engagement with consumer, PR and Media press.

Premium options for more accessibility and information, membership establishment.

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Establish consumer communities, exclusive events and experiences (close loop system, connects back to awareness building events at part 1).